Tech Leadership Transformation

From Expert to Exceptional

An introductory course to help you thrive in your technical leadership role.

“Many of my CTO clients started out as brilliant engineers, a few even co-founded their companies.

But creating extraordinary software or designing disruptive products is a whole different thing than running a team, a division, or an organization.”

Amié Devero
business strategist, coach, & author

Take the First Step

From here 🤯

  • You're under pressure from every direction, and worry about disappointing your team and yourself.

  • You feel endlessly busy, overwhelmed, and isolated, and don’t know how to escape this vicious cycle.

  • You feel frustrated by wanting to set and achieve higher standards – but fear that your team may not rise to the occasion.

  • You are committed to your organization and your future but you feel ill-equipped to succeed.

To here 😎

  • You've achieved professional growth, advancement, and greater financial success.

  • You have a balanced life that includes time with family and friends, hobbies, and other pursuits that bring you joy and fulfillment.

  • You're a world-class leader and manager of your team – able to increase efficiency, reduce frustration, inspire loyalty, and cultivate future tech leaders.

  • You're an invaluable strategic partner to the entire leadership team and can positively impact the organization’s direction.

Are you committed to becoming an exceptional leader?

Are you willing to put in the time and effort

for self-improvement?

Then this 6-part email course will give you the foundation to build the career you want.

“In a few short sessions, Amié has been able to change the dynamic between myself and my C-level counterparts.”

Michelle B.
CEO, Founder
Machine Learning-based Platform
New York, NY

Course Outline

Each email provides actionable leadership skills tailored to your technical background..


Embracing Your
Leadership Role


Leading Through Service








Time Management

Meet your instructor, Amié Devero

Amié is the founder and president of Beyond Better Strategy and Coaching – and a thought-leader on leadership, decision-making and personal development.

She currently consults to and coaches leaders in high-growth technology start-ups, including Founders, CEOs, CTOs, and other technology leaders – including leaders within iconic brands like Meta, Shopify and Yahoo.

Amié’s experience makes her the perfect instructor for you. Not only does she have a deep understanding of the challenges you face, she also has the knowledge and expertise to help you overcome them.

She also runs a small, exclusive mastermind group in which tech leaders get the coaching, resources, inspiration, and community to accelerate their growth, optimize their performance, and create ever more extraordinary lives.

Free Leadership Course

Subscribe to The Leaders Lab introductory course and start your leadership journey anew.

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